Friday 10 May 2019

Ramadan 2019/1440: Thought of the Day 5

The quote for Day 5 of Ramadan from my box of things to think about is:

“Never think that any request you have is too much for Allah. HE says “Be” and it becomes”

I am not sure of the origin of this quote but it can be found on this page.  My first thought is that as a Muslim the message in the quote is obvious - Allah (SWT) can do, and grant, anything.  My second thought was that although this is the case, perhaps we don’t do His generosity and greatness justice in our asking of Him.  We ask only what we can imagine is possible – what seems realistic or the little we think we deserve. This, when we could ask for anything and it would be nothing for the Giver.

What better time than these blessed days of Ramadan to ask for great things, for those things that are out of reach, for these things we are too scared to ask for, for those things we yearn for but don’t feel we deserve.

May Allah (SWT) give us the opportunity and courage to ask with all of our heart and soul, for everything we need and desire, trusting He is the one that provides and loves to give.

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