Sunday 10 May 2020

Ramadan 2020/1441: Ramadan Giving Day 17 – Al-Mizan Charitable Trust

Our Ramadan Giving series highlights the amazing work charities are doing and showcases their special Ramadan campaigns, giving us all the opportunity to support, donate and do a little good insh’Allah

Ramadan Giving Day 17: Al-Mizan Charitable Trust
Al-Mizan Charitable Trust is a Muslim grant-funder which supports disadvantaged people and deprived communities across the UK, regardless of their faith or cultural background.

Through the General Welfare Fund, the Trust provides small grants, which help with the costs of education and training, employment and enterprise, household items, medical and mobility, and subsistence.

The Trust operates a flexible Grants Policy, which is designed to meet a person’s individual needs. Beneficiaries include children and young people, single parents, elderly people, victims of domestic violence or abuse, asylum seekers and refugees, prisoners and ex-offenders, disabled people, and the working poor.

When the cold winter months begin, homeless people receive Winter Warmer Packs that contain warm clothing, toiletries, and first aid items. To celebrate Mother’s Day, Mother & Baby Kits are handed out to new mothers who cannot afford essential baby items.

You can find out more about the impact of the charity through its case studies here and donate here.

O you who have believed, spend from that which We have provided for you ~ Quran 2:254

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: “The Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) was the most generous person, and he used to become more so (generous) particularly in the month of Ramadan…more generous than the fast wind in doing good” (Bukhari).

The Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

"Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him you will be returned." ~ Quran 2:245

Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: "The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind." (Daraqutni)

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