Friday 24 April 2020

Ramadan 2020/1441: First Fast Routines and Traditions

Despite the strange circumstances with lockdown this year, plenty of things about the first day of Ramadan kicked off with the usual:
Half the family fasting and the other half starting a day later
Kids staying up all night planning to eat rubbish and being completely hyper at suhoor time
My first day headache due to coffee withdrawal, work stress and going out in the sun to get groceries.
Kids asking if we could get drinks…because it is Ramadan

Some good things were the same too:
Finishing work and feeling a sense of relief
Feeing very contented in my prayers
My after-work nap with my youngest
Feeling inspired to blog
A lively and upbeat iftar alhamdulillah
Daily iftar WhatsApp pic swap with my sisters and sis-in-law, we love doing this.

I am trying to meal plan, especially with it not so easy to just go out and buy groceries when I need, especially meat. I have made a WhatsApp group with the kids and asked them to share what they would like to eat so I can build it into my plan. My older three are fasting and I become a complete sucker and give them anything they want when they are fasting.

For the first iftar, I decided to make a bit of everything, so that everyone could have a favourite. Most of it was made in my air fryer or in the oven, by-passing frying, but still carb-heavy. From now on, I am hoping to make one or two simple dishes and sick to healthy options. Lets see if the kids let me get away with that.

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