Wednesday 29 April 2020

Cupcakes at Last

After about three years of putting up with a dodgy oven that scorched the bottom of everything, we finally replaced our oven. The babies have been pestering me for ages about baking with them and I have been fobbing them off with the dodgy oven excuse.

Now that we had a new oven, I couldn’t make excuses anymore. Until recently we haven’t been able to buy plain or self-raising flour anywhere locally and even eggs were hit and miss. I just happened to find flour on my last shop, so we were good to go.

They wanted icing and sprinkles, I insisted we started simple. I cook a lot, but I am not much of a baker (unlike my sister who is very good). I am also not that crazy for biscuits and cakes but prefer savoury food, so we ended up making plain cupcakes. They got scoffed pretty quick once everyone had completed their fast, while they were still warm and smelled good, fresh from the oven.

I might try something more complicated next, or something I haven’t tried before. I’ll probably be looking for more savoury baking ideas too.

Do you have a favourite recipe or dish that you make in the oven? Anything you would recommend me to try?


  1. Anonymous19 May, 2020

    Below is a recipe I really love and would recommend it anytime. It's quick and easy too
    Cheese Muffins:

    500ml flour
    2 tsp baking powder
    2 pinches salt
    200g grated cheese
    2 eggs
    250ml milk
    30ml butter, melted

    Preheat oven to 200C
    Beat egg. Add milk and butter and beat again. Sift in flour, b.powder and salt and beat again. Mix in cheese. Spoon into greased muffin tins and bake for 10-12 minutes

    Can be eaten plain, with soup, or scrambled eggs or anything you wish. My family love it plain

  2. Thank you for this, will try this with the kids
