Saturday 1 August 2009

Lovely Library Trip

Took a day off to spend time with the kids and ended up taking them to the library, which they love anyway, but which was a lot more exciting than we expected. There was a display on story-telling which included a viking ship:

A printing press which actually worked:

A pyramid with heiroglyphs which was a bit complicated for my kids, but which the baby took no time to dump all over the floor:

There was a loom to weave ribbon through:

and a mock-up of the insides of a radio:

The kids got to put a play on - they loved the wigs:

There was even an example of the inside of a film studio. Little Lady saw herself on the screen and excitedly asked if she was on all of the televisions around the world. I tried to let her down gntly, but the baby (he looks so big now I look at this piture mash'Allah) did rather spoil her moment by charging at her.

They all ended up in the desert island and refused to come out until I promised to read to them a book.

There were lots of other activities that you could book the children into, but most on weekdays which was a bit dissappointing. So insh'Allah I intend to take some more days off and book into other activities.

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