Saturday 5 May 2018

Daydreaming Grandfather

My dad in law came to stay with us after a four year gap since his last visit.  I have been looking forward to seeing him and the children spending time with him.  I knew he had been unwell with heart disease and had lost weight, but it was still a shock to see the change in him. At 75 now, he looks so much older and frailer.  He has also lost much of his hearing.  This means that this gregarious and larger than life man is often sitting quietly in a room full of people.  The hearing loss means that he can’t always join in on conversations and he is often daydreaming by himself.  I am worried that he will start to feel isolated or left out.  He as a hearing test soon for new hearing aids, but it is anyone’s guess whether he will agree to wearing them.

In the mean time he has made best friends with Baby who he has met for the first time and who bosses him around. I have asked my oldest two to keep an eye on him and help take care of him, whether that means going to the masjid with him or keeping him company and talking to him (loudly) and involving him in what they are doing.

My dad-in-law picking cherries during Ramadan much to my apprehension (source)

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