Tuesday 21 June 2011

Craft Give-Away - Deadline Friday 24th June

I had a clear-out of my papercrafts supplies a while ago and kept planning to post about a give-away.  I finally got the chance to pull my stuff out and take pictures today whilst the kids were busy trying to crash my laptop (they've got bored of crashing the home computers since there is nothing important left on there).

I hope to add more items to the ones below and create four packs of goodies to give away.  If you would like a pack, e-mail me at umm_salihah@yahoo.co.uk  and tell me which book has moved, motivated or inspired you the most in your life (other than the Quran or Bible) and why.  My four favourite answers will get a pack (I will post book and reason for choice, but not names or any other personal detail).

There are also two scrapbooks hidden under the stash below, do let me know if you respond if you would like one of them.  Also let me know if there are any particular items you are keen on or if you want the stamps or not.  Answers by midday Friday 24th June please, I will e-mail winners on Friday afternoon and ask where to post in time to post out on Saturday 25th June insh'Allah (thats the plan anyway!).

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