Saturday 15 May 2010

Blues and Greens

Last Saturday the crystal rondelle (donut-shaped) beads I had ordered turned up, absolutely making my day. I set to sorting them and playing around with them for inspiration.

As always it's the complementary shades in the colour wheel which speak to me.

I strung the beads onto plastic wire starting from darkest blue to lightest green and tied the ends to a length of chain to give the necklace extra length. I find that most long necklaces barely peek out from the bottom of my hijab, so I made this longer than usual. I also didn't see the point of putting such pretty beads where they could not be seen, so have started using chain and ribbon to complete the top part of my long necklaces.

I wore this to work over a black abayah and a plain teal scarf, but can imagine wearing it with my dark green and navy abayah's too.


  1. Masha'Allah so pretty sis! You are very creative in so many ways. :-) I love seeing your handiwork!

    Ma salaama...

  2. Masha'Allah so pretty sis! You are very creative in so many ways. :-) keep up the good work please check out my blog at

  3. its biautifull. can i use this idea for my future works?
    please, look on معاً ضد نظام الكفاله فى دول الخليج
    and so sorry if i disturb you, but we r need every voice for the win

  4. Assalam-alaikam.

    jazakh'Allah-khairun for your kind comments.

    Sister Deros, you are very welcome to use this for inspitaion if it is any use to you.
