Thursday 12 February 2009


I finally came down from my manic-active mode this afternoon after a week of being over-busy at work and two or three days of feeling very stressed. I am not very good at recognising when I am stressed except I start to space out (which mostly no one can tell the difference when I am doing anyway). This afternoon I came to the realisation that I did not want to put so much effort into my work that I would tired when I got home to my children. Having decided this I spent the afternoon ignoring my work e-mail inbox and spen the afternoon typing up some posts.

When I got home I was still tired and the kids were refusing to refrain from engaging in battle, so I gave up trying to do anything and tried to distract them by suggesting a picnic (this works every time with little kids). That kept them busy for a while:

Until it was time to tidy up:

Of course I am a big believer in whoever makes the mess should tidy up:

Little Lady behaved like a women and did the work, Little Man showed his manly side by showing her the spots she had missed. Of course Gorgeous was his usual self and so found some way to have fun.


  1. That's so cute! Great pictures.

  2. Marsh'Allah all of your children are so beautiful!

  3. Masha'Allah, they are precious!!

  4. What a great picnic, brings back childhood memories! Btw, love little lady's outfit. :)
    [Thoughts Unchecked]

  5. Assalam-alaikam Sisters and
    Jazakh’Allah-khairun for the kind words.

    Thoughts Unchecked - are you not coming back to blogging?
    Little Lady picks her own outfits before I can get home and make her wear something sensible and boring.
