Friday 18 April 2008

Things That Make Me Smile 3


  1. drooling at the biryani! pass the yogurt :).

  2. hummmm buriyani , colourful pebbles and rain make me happy too!!

  3. As-Salam-Ali-Kum! I see that you have put the picture of Biryani from my blog, the Copyright message of my blog is here for you to refer, so i request you to provide a link back to my blog if you are using my content, or remove the picture. Thanks! and Takecare!

  4. Walaikam-assalam Mona,
    Thanks for pointing this out. I got the pic from flickr, but now looking back it does have your website name next to it. So profuse apologies. I have changed the picture although yours was the best out there. I will ask if I need a pic next time.
    Hope thats ok.
