Wednesday 1 January 2014

The Muslimah’s Inspiration Journal 2014

If there is one thing I love to do it’s to get organised and plan ahead:

“There is no intelligence like planning.” ~ Hadith Ibn Majah (via Provisions for the Seekers - Zaadut Taalibeen)

Although the Muslim New Year passed about two months ago, I didn’t quite manage to get myself organised by then.  So I am using the change of date from 2013 to 2014 to share my Muslimah’s Inspiration Journal 2014.

As I was creating this document, I received some news that could have a significant impact on our future as a family.  It was a massive kick in the backside reminder that everything that happens does so as Allah (SWT) commands and as he decides and only He can know what will happen next.  At the same time, good intentions count for so much in Islam and planning ahead to maximise our good deeds is the first step in making those intentions.

I hope the journal also offers a safe space for introspection and for reviewing ourselves each day in order to learn and improve.  Finally I hope it helps sisters to find something in every day to be grateful about.

“And when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]” ~ Quran (14:7)

I created the Muslimah’s Inspiration Journal 2014 by taking the best of the techniques, tools and planners and journals I have used over the years to try and manage my crazy life better.  I am sharing in the hope that sisters find it beneficial in helping to set wonderful goals and feel inspired to achieve them.  I hope it gets sisters thinking about how 2014 could be an amazing year for them full of clarity of purpose, gratefulness and creativity.

Please do download and print and keep in a folder.  I have tried to keep the formats simple so that they are print friendly.

 If you find it useful, please make dua for me and my family.  If you find the Journal useful or have suggestions for improvement I would love to hear from you at and perhaps I could incorporate some of them into an updated version for next year.


  1. Salam sister can I just say I love your blog it's so warm and inspirational and I can relate to it so much. Allah reward you for all the wonderful posts you write that inspire and give so much love. Keep up the good work!

  2. There are a lot of 2014 planners and printables floating around, but this is the most detailed and relevant of them all!! Thank you so much for making it free - I can imagine the trouble that must have got into creating it. One more thing - can you please post about your daily schedule in 2014, including the time you spend on worship, managing the home (cooking etc.), workout, quality time with kids as well as reading/crafting? These are my main focus areas this year and I'd like a starting point. Thank you in advance!!

  3. Masha is a great work, thanks for this journal. Just my feedback to you, having to mention the 3 steps everyday may not be that necessary...probably on a weekly basis would be fine...and a section/ space to review the effectiveness/ success of the steps taken within a week/month. Overall this journal is fabulous and very useful. Thanks again !

  4. Umm Shareef04 January, 2014

    Assalam aleykum, sister. This is a really good effort to create this...JazakAllah Khayran. I have never done anything quite like this before and have decided to use it to help me with my worship above all. I know that there are some key areas where I could and should improve and I will use this to help me stay focused on them. Mashallah I love the sections Review of the Day and the Things I am grateful for right now. Spending a few minutes at the end of the day filling these in really has helped my appreciated how blessed I am, which in turn helps motivate me to deliver against the goals I have set myself in sha Allah.

  5. I pray that Allah makes it successful for you. Very motivational, MashaAllah.

  6. hi there, I'm asri from Indonesia. happy to find an awesome muslimah blog :D may Allah bless you :)
