Saturday 20 October 2012

One More Makes Four!

Alhamdulillah my little girl arrived on Monday, 10 days early, but healthy mash'Allah.
I haven't stopped smiling since and I can't take my eyes off her. 

Have loads to say, but very, very sleep deprived t the moment, so will have to wait.  
This pregnancy has been the hardest time of my entire life and I have not blogged much.  To all of the people who have e-mailed and commented in the past few weeks and haven't got a reply, I will get round to that soon insh'Allah


  1. mashallah mubarak, so gorgeous, May Allah swt guide and protect you all :)

  2. mashaAllah congratulations! She has the cutest feet! may Allah make her the coolness of your eyes, ameen xx

  3. Congratulations!!!! OMG, those little feet and that cute little hat....she's adorable!!God bless your family!

  4. salam. Mabrook very happy for you:)

  5. Congratulations! Masha Allah, little lady finally has her sister and you have a healthy and adorable addition to your family. So pleased for you, may God keep her in the best of health and imaan. Have been following your blog diligently, though I'm relatively quiet on the comment front. Take care and rest well.

  6. Congratulations! MashAllah those tiny feet and that tiny hand are so adorable. What have you named her?

  7. Congratulations! Alhamdulillah all went all. She's gorgeous mashaAllah ♥

  8. mubarak! may Allah grant you a righteous generation. yarab. insha'Allah you can get caught up on sleep soon. am so happy for you. mash'Allah she is beautiful mash'Allah. may Allah grant you and her good health.

  9. Wow masha'Allah feels like your pregancy flew by- maybe not for you though! I was just thinking wonder if she has had her baby shes been quiet on blog and I see this, congratulations to you and your family may Allah protect and guide her to the deen. Your daughter must be so pleased moreso than the boys. You have got lovely number now two boys two girls masha'Allah x

  10. Many congratulations my dear sis! Just came to see your recent post and got really a big surprise alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah I am really glad for you :-) now two boys and two girls, Salihah must be really happy :-) InshAllah I would love to come to see you and your adorable baby soon. Have lots of rest sis and enjoy every moment inshAllah.Let me know if you need any help :-) xxxx

  11. Alhamdullah congrats on your beautiful new baby. May Allah bless her and your family. She does have sweet cute feet, I love baby feet.

  12. Unto You, O Allah, belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. You create what You will. You bestow female offspring upon whom You will, and bestow male offspring upon whom You will; or You mingle them, males and females, and You make barren whom You will. To You, O Lord, I turn and pray. I beg Your pardon.

    I know that there is no God save You, O Allah. You are Guardian over all things. You take care of all things. You have chosen no son nor have You any partner in the sovereignty. You have created everything and have meted out for it a measure. And You are the Forgiving, the loving, Lord of the Throne of Glory, Doer of what You will. You are Able to do all things, and You surrounded all things in knowledge. Power belongs wholly to You, and unto You belongs the sequel of all things. You bring Your command to pass. Your command, when You intend a thing, is only that You say unto it: Be! and it is. Glory be to You in Whose hand is the dominion over all things! Unto You belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, and whatsoever in between them, and whatsoever is beneath the sod. No slumber can seize You nor sleep. Your Throne does extend over the heavens and the earth. You make none to share in Your government. And there is not a beast in the earth but the sustenance thereof depends on You, O Allah. Not an animal but You do grasp it by the forelock! Who is he who can preserve us from You if You intended harm for us, or intended mercy for us ? All that are in the heavens and the earth entreat You. Every day You exercise universal power. Glory be to You ! To You, O Lord, I turn and pray. I beg Your pardon.

    Is it not unto You, O Allah, that belongs whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is in the earth? You bestow upon us secretly and openly. I ask You, therefore, of Your bounty. For You are of infinite bounty. You enlarge livelihood for whom You will, and straiten it for whom You will. And You give without stint to whom You will. If You touch me with affliction, there is none that can relieve it save You, O Allah, and if You touch me with good fortune there is none that can impair it; for You are Able to do all things. You are the Omnipotent over Your slaves, and You are the Wise, the Knower. Nobody owns provision for me but You. So I seek my provision from You only, O Allah! You supply both believers and disbelievers from Your bounty. And Your bounty can never be walled up. O Lord! Give unto us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and guard us from the doom of Fire.

    O Lord! You will no injustice to Your creatures. You wrong not even of the weight of an ant; and if there is a good deed, You will double it and will give the doer from Your presence an immense reward. O Allah ! You never wrong mankind in anything, but mankind wrong themselves. I wronged my own soul. Even though You tried me in my property and in my person, whatever of misfortune strikes me, it is what my right hand has earned. But who will forgive my sins save You, O Allah? You it is Who accepts repentance from his bondmen , and pardons the evil deeds. And You forgive much. You even change evil deeds to good deeds. My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are best of all who show mercy.
