Friday 12 October 2012

My New Craft Space

I needed to make space in my room for our new impending little guest, so have been moving my craft supplies downstairs (much to hubby’s relief, who has been very patient with my piles of stuff).

I have been finding lots of inspiration on my Pinterest pages and daydreaming of little craft studios like these:

Of course, my craft space was never going to look like that, but I am rather happy with it anyway.  This is where the stuff was in my room:

The space in my room is now being used as the nearest equivalent of a dressing table I am going to be getting any time soon.  My mini perfume bottles have been in the back of a cupboard for ages and I decided to bring them out.  I am sure within the next year they are going to have to disappear again as we have to make the house child-proof all over again, but I think I will enjoy having them out till then.

The small cabinet I will get rid of, but till then it’s is filling up with nappies and various baby stuff which is accumulating already.

I sorted through the craft supplies and took loads out to give away to friends as there is no way I could use everything I have accumulated, also I think too much stuff can sometime hobble your creativity a little.

This is the area in the corner of the living room which I used:

This is what it looked like after I got rid of some of my books and moved my paper craft and jewellery making materials.

The box on top holds Little Ladies sewing stuff - felts, needles and embroidery thread.  I might have to move this stuff when I start learning to sew insh'Allah, but that will be some time early next year I think.

I also managed to squeeze my craft books in next to my materials from their various homes around the house.

I'm testing my craft area out at the moment.  I've been making some jewellery, but have been taking what I need from the shelves up into my room.  I hope to make some cards next week for Eid if I am still playing the baby waiting game, so I'll see if the space works for me, it helps that the light is fantastic in this spot.

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