Wednesday 31 August 2011

Eid ul-Fitr 2011/1432 - Treats, Bling and Henna

What do you wear with a monochrome dress?

Red of course!

And your favourite shoes.

Pretty in pink

Spent the day cooking piles of food for extended family and my parents who joined us in the evening, so today it's my turn to get dolled up and relax as we are all heading over to my mums for yummy food and pressies and hopefully some henna (I didn't get the chance as I was busy making the yummiest kheer or rice pudding in the whole world!  Well I liked it...).

Hope everyone had a lovely day insh'Allah.


  1. eid mubarak!! that whole ensemble looks gorgeous!! stunning to be exact!

  2. Eid Mubarak.
    They all look beautiful and insha'allah you can do your henna before sunday. And by the way, that Kheer was so delicious and i'm not the biggest fan of kheer by the way.
