Wednesday 14 July 2010

Memories and a Lack of Words.

Have had a testing few days alhamdulillah. My mum has flown out to Pakistan today with her younger sister to be with their dad who is close to passing away. He is in the last stages of lung cancer and in quite some pain. Your dua’s would be very much appreciated for both of them insh’Allah.

So I spent yesterday packing and trying to get her organized with the help of my sisters and managed to see her off today. At the same time, although I am well alhamdulillah, I have lost my voice almost completely, so am trying to keep quiet with little success. My office sent me home today half way through the morning which meant no rest at all (kids, family, guests, me croaking away).

So now I am sitting with my cup of milk with a spoon of turmeric and a spoon of honey mixed in (mum’s neighbours home remedy and not as disgusting as it sounds surprisingly). I am thinking of my granddad, the last of my grandparents left. I got to see him last year, but for so short a time, I wish so much now that I had made more of that time; to have taken a proper long, look at his face and to have memorized his voice. I know I will never see him again, I hope I can talk to him on the phone for a few minutes when he is up to it, although I have no idea of what words would be adequate. I beg Allah (SWT) to make his last days easy and to rain His mercy down on him. For him to find comfort in having all of his children gathered around him and for the next world to be a place of peace and joy for him insh’Allah. Ameen.


  1. Asalaamu alaikum sister,
    Your family are in my prayers.
    May Allah swt make this next stage in all your lives easy & grant you subr. Ameen.

  2. Salaam alaikum dear one,

    Ameen, Time is always a factor we take for granted but at the same time dont be so hard on yourself. Get better and take care. May Allah make it easy on you and your family, Inshallah.

  3. Aslamu alakum ukti

    I amsosorryto read this Allah Al mus'taan ,may allah ease grandads uffering and make the sadness of his passingeasy for your family ameen. I am sorry you are unwell ukti , may allah give you shifa ameen. Sound like you need a break, even if a short one just you and hubby I think!

  4. Assalamu alaikum sis, I am really sad to know about your grandad. May Allah swt make it easy for him and the family. I also feel very sad thinking I havent spent enough time with my gradparents when I went to back home two years ago just for two weeks. I hope and make dua that Allah swt gives us the chance to spend more time with them. Insha-Allah you will get better soon sis. Take care sis, wassalam xxx

  5. Anonymous15 July, 2010

    Assalamo elikuim
    May Allah swt bless your grandfather with what is best for him, Ameen.
    Your mom and her sister are lucky to get the ajar of taking care of parent.

  6. Anonymous17 July, 2010

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  7. Anonymous17 July, 2010

    May the Almighty Allah make it easy for your family in this time.

    My thoughts are with you.
    Take care sis

    PS: Did you get my email with pics?

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather, but I think you have the right attitude. My mother passed away, she was given a blessing in which she was not promised to get better, but that everyone would be taken care of, and that she wouldn't suffer as much. It was still hard, though. I also hope she has found peace, because she suffered through so many things. Hopefully you can talk on the phone to your grandfather before he leaves this world, and may your mother find comfort.

    My other comment: does the milk and turmeric really work? I have read about that, but never got up the nerve to try it. What does it help exactly? Congestion, cough? In Peru they use a lot of turmeric also, so we always have it on hand.
