Tuesday 21 September 2010

Cards: Memories of Summer


  1. Hi Sister,
    I have been trying to email you regarding your beautiful greeting cards, but the message would not go through.
    I'm in the US, and would love to purchase some of your cards but couldn't find a link to a store on your blog. Would you ever consider opening a store on http://www.etsy.com ? As a muslim shopper on Etsy they could really use more muslim shops on there. Thank you and I look forward to doing business with you in the future :-)
    -Julie jewelay620@yahoo.com

  2. Umm Sumayyah23 September, 2010

    MA-I really get a thril at looking at your latest cards. They keep getting better and better. These ones are amazing ma. I think your talents are definitely meant for the creative world than the civil service :) Best idea is what Julie recommended, if your still working sell them on etsy

  3. Assalam-alaikam

    Sister Julie,
    jazakh'Allah-khairun for your kind comments and suggestions. I love browsing etsy and have been thinking of starting an etsy shop for some time. It's just getting the time to make enough stock. Also, I have to work out pricing insh'Allah. I have e-maailed you and look forward to hearing back from you.

    Umm Sumayyah,
    jazakh'Allah-khairun for your kind comment. If I ever get organised enough (and stop being so lazy) to set up an etsy shop, I will let you know!
