Thursday 19 May 2011

Things That Make Me Smile 9

Haven't done of theseTTMMS posts in ages and am in a super good mood as I have Friday off of work.

Old trunks, the more battered the better:

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 Lemons, especially watching the kids lick them and wince.  We all lovee liking lemons, except for my husband who can't stand them.

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Rain patteering on my window (especially when everyone is tucked up warm in bed):

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Bento Boxes - I love the idea of making these for my children, as my friend Aunty F says, the eyes eat before the stomach.

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I have always disliked orange, but the colour has suddenly seems such a lovely one to me.

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I and Little Lady love high tea - setting everything out is usually more fun that eating it:

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One of my favourite memories will always be the rush to get off of St Michaels Mount in Cornwall as the path becomes submerged in the rising tide.

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There are a few styles I favour - art deco, luxe, gothic, but one of the ones I like most with an abaya is Victorian - a velvet coat and lace-up boots (with jet beads and an old brooch of course).

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 What is making you smile today?  What are you finding your joy in?


  1. Im smiling at your high tea picture.. when we were in Pakistan just there were so many places offering high tea :) Thanks sis *hugs*
    Apart from that the things that make me smile are old memories and the thought of new ones :D

  2. ZenPrincess20 May, 2011

    Lovely post - TTMMS - my three year old teetering in my high heels and pretending to be me....the sun shining...dropping my kids to school when there isn't a crazy traffic jam/road works combi (like today - gave ourselves an hour and we got there in 20 minutes!)...allowing drivers to get in front of morning cuppa and my afternoon kids smiles and hugs when I am a bit late coming home from work...and last but not least, reading your posts!

  3. Anonymous23 May, 2011

    Salam sis. I am usually such a slob when it comes to posting, but had to post in response to the kind of style you favour - a girl after my own heart!!
