Monday 6 November 2017

Curious About You 2: How Do You Keep Organised?

I would love to get to know more about who reads this blog, connect with them and learn from them insha’Allah.
But I know people like to maintain their privacy, or they feel shy, or they don’t think they have anything worth saying (which is simply not true).
So instead of pestering you with surveys or just going by my stats about readers, I want to pose a question every now and again and see what insight I get from people’s answers – I’ll start with my answer and look forward to hearing from reader’s insha’Allah.

How do you keep organised?

This could be at home, at work or to keep the kids organised. What are the tools, methods or approaches you use to keep your life organised?

Mine is:
Write everything down and then prioritise. I write everything down so that it is not all in my head making me feel anxious or stressed. I then either:
- Add it to my list of things to do today
- Plan into my trusty Filofax if it’s for another day
- Make a decision to discard it if it is not worth doing it.

What is your best tip for keeping organised?

See also:
Curious about You: Best Advice Ever?


  1. As salam aleykoum;
    Thanks for sharing, as always. I am a steady reader of your blog, I find it very inspiring. You always have some tips and inspiring experiences to share, and yet you are very honest about the fact sometimes things don't go like we would like (and then I feel less alone...)

    To answer the question:
    - writing is the key. I have a professional agenda and it's ok. I try to have a bullet journal and to do lists at home. Sometimes I don't have time to make them and I feel bad and disorganised. So it is definitely the key
    - Trying to organise the week: for my working days (3/a week), I try to prepare a maximum the day before: lunches, kid's clothes and mine. I try to follow with the laundry on the days I'm not working and I'm at home with my 22-months old toddler.
    - Use the night :-): when I am not too tired I try to make some tasks on the evening. Honestly for the past 2 years, it has been quite difficult as most of my evenings are dedicated to accompany my two daughters to bed (and falling asleep the first one :-))
    - have some time to think!!! I need to be alone sometimes, just to be able to think properly and plan things.
    - I think that the fly lady method is a good one but I havent been able to implement it fully for the moment. It is one of my goal.
    - And for the food: I plan once a week the menus (and I more or less stick too it) and I go to the grocery store once a week for the main things. The same when I go to the butchery, I try to plan for one or two weeks.
    Wa Salam,

  2. Salam Alaykum,
    I have one three year old son and I am currently 21 weeks pregnant. I work part time - 2/3 days a week. My methods on being organised are:
    - I have two diaries (one for work and one for personal life), I note down any meetings, things to do, reminders about paying bills, meal plans etc.
    - I try to plan and prepare for next day a night before - preparing work outfit and clothes for my son when he goes to nursery, preparing work lunches for me and my husband, packing my son's bag etc.
    - on the days I don't work I try to spend as much time as possible with my son, but I also do laundry, cook dinner that we can have two days in a row etc., it allows me to have more free time on the days when I work
    - when any food ingredients are finished, I note them down on the sticky notepad that I have on my fridge, so when we go shopping I know exactly what we need to buy
    - I try to do things in advance, even if I know that I have weeks to do this, this is both at my work as well as in my personal life - book any tickets, holidays in advance, if I know someone has birthday I try to buy him/her gift at least a week before etc.

  3. Salam,
    A good question. I also write a "to do list" either on a note pad or my phone. That's a way to get things done. My lists helped me to also launch a craft business which helps hijabis to store their hijab pins in my unusual handmade pincushions. In other words, I'm not only organizing myself but I'm organizing others too!

  4. I use a word document and for shopping lists a small notepad x
