
Thursday 8 September 2011

Gratitude Journal 08.09.11 - Our Own Abundant Little Corner

Alhamdulillah it's lovely to see the garden blooming even as summer seems to have come to an end in London.

The crazy grape vine which is trying to take over the garden has produced the most beautiful displays of bunches of grapes.  Unfortunately these are sour, we don't get enough sun to ripen them to sweetness.  So the question will be whether to keep the vine or to chop it down and make space for something else next year.

This litte tomato plant has been producing fruit all summer which we have been using in various curries and dishes.  They don't all get to a complete red colour, but they do all get eaten.

This is the first of the peppers that has come through.

We have also had an abundance of mint which we have been using in mint chutney and pakora's.  As the plant is getting to its last days of greenery before winter, I hope to pick the rest of the laeves and freeze.  The other hting we have been cooking straight from the garden is courgettes, which taste yummy fresh.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely garden. I have so enjoyed having a garden after three years of only aloe plants. I am betting that you could juice the grapes or make jam from them (I am not a fan of super-sweet grape juice). And with the it starts getting cold, you can pick the ones that have started to turn a little, and let them ripen on the counter or on a box. That is what I usually do. Put them in a box and set them in my garage, and then I use them for a couple of months. This year that probably won't happen. We had a late spring, tons of rain, so I planted a month late, and then slugs are getting into my ripe tomatoes. I have grape tomatoes which are doing well, and cucumbers. My peppers are taking a long time, especially the ones I smuggled in from Peru (well, the seeds). They are finally flowering, as the temperatures are starting to go down. We should freeze some time in the next 6 weeks. The joys of mountain living.

    I think there is nothing so good as to eat a tomato straight out of the garden. What do you do with your courgettes? I didn't plant any this year, but my neighbor has given me two huge ones. I will probably make what we call zucchini bread with it. You can also make a chocolate cake with it, and your kids will never know there is a veggie in it.

    As always, I love your pictures! And your blog. I recently recommended it to a friend in Canada, but I don't know if she has a read it.

    Take care, enjoy your garden. Juice those grapes, seriously.
