
Tuesday 7 June 2011

Mum and Muslim June/July 2011 issue


The latest issue of Mum and Muslim is now out, with a focus on preparing for Ramadan. The editor Umm Imran says:

“We have had many writers over the past year and more are coming forward every week. It is their input that has allowed us to get this far, and inshallah will be what keeps us going. We have had writers from a variety of backgrounds, countries and even ages (from 12 to much older!). This is what we wanted to achieve from the start and is what makes us different. A big thank you again to our writers and also to you readers who keep coming back, Alhamdullilah!

The features section is all about Ramadan preparation as this will be coming inshallah just after our next issue. The Prophet (SAW) and his companions (RA) used to prepare months in advance for this and so we should inshallah try to follow their examples. Our parenting section has an interesting article on naming children and one on effective ways of dealing with children's temper tantrums. In our health section, our GP sister talks about issues relating to babies, which can be distressing to new parentsThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . In the same section, we also have a very good article on the importance of breast-feeding from a midwife.”

Please take a look at the newest edition by going to
The magazine also features writing from Sister Farhana from South Africa which moved and inspired me mash'Allah.  Check out her article here.

As always your comments and feedback are invaluable.

If you are interesting in contributing articles, reviews, recipes, creative writing or tutorials, please contact Umm Imran at .  We would also be interested to hear from anyone who has web expertise to assist with work on the website (fisabillilah for now).


  1. Anonymous07 June, 2011

    Looks good masahaAllah. I write but not sooo much lately due to studies. What kind of articles are you wanting for the magazine? Would love to contribute if light and nothing to time consuming inshaAllah.

  2. Assalam-alaikam Sis,
    the focus of the magazine is primarily family and parenting, but many of the things we publish are not directly related to these two themes, but we thought might be beneficial or interesting to our readers (i.e. recipes, turorials, poems, short stories). Please do e-mail me or Sister Umm Imran with your idea. If you don't have time to contribute regularly (every two months), then you can always contribute as and when you can find time (as mothers of small children we both appreciate the flexibility sisters need). Look forward to hearing from you insh'Allah sis.

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