
Saturday 22 August 2009

Variation On A Theme: Summer Blooms and Birds


  1. Assalamualaikum Umm Saaliha. Of course you have outdone yourself once more. Marsha-allah those cards, like all others, are so smart. I am still green with envy at your prowess of taking humble paper and adding creative genius. Ramadaan Kareem to you and yours. May you have a spiritually charged month. Take care. Farzana

  2. I have to have outdone yourself with this batch masha'Allah

  3. thanks for your comment on my blog :) love yours full of ideas and tips this year i was also planning on making my own cards for the family and friends :D yours ar soo pretty ....
    emmm yummy eid sounds yummy at yours :) my husband is pakistani so loves kebabs and chicken, like the cupcake ideas. xxx

  4. These are lovely! MahsaALlah

  5. Assalamualikum, i have been popping in and out of your blog overthe past year when i first discovered it.. it always makes me feel so lovely and warm inside when i read your blog. I have not been to visit in a while yet and have just been catching up on older posts whilst at work!hehe! I have noticed some of your beautiful work..the cards..! i was wondering if your planning on selling them? i would so be intrested!

  6. Assalam-alaikam,

    Dearest Farzana,
    thank you for your kind comments amd Ramadan Kareem to you and your family too. I'm very pleased to hear from you.

    Sis Washi,

    Sister Irish Muslimah,
    my pleasure. I have the chicken kebab recipe coming up soon insh'Allah and you ahev given me some ideas for Eid posts.

    Sister Hijabee,
    jazakh'Allah-khairun for your kind words.

    Sister Noor,
    you have just made my day with your sweet comment. I was planning to sell some of the cards this year, but then got lazy. If I do sell them I'll make sure it's planty of time before Eid insh'Allah (probably via ebay).
