
Tuesday 24 March 2009

Cards for March

During quiet moments in the past few days (before this last busy week) I have been enjoying working on some cards to use in the coming year. As WHSmith's were clearing out sheets of sticky ribbon for 99p, I bought some to experiment with and quite liked the results. I also thought I would try decorating the envelope for some of the cards, by carrying on the theme/colours of the cards.

In this card sticking the gold rings peel-off on the envelope was a good use of the stickers because I probably would not have used them on a card (they come on the sheet with the "Wedding Congratulations" peel-off)

This one was a favourite. It has all the things I like: simplicity, good to look at, some bling and it's made from some fabric that was recycled from a wedding invitation. I have used this before here and still have a bit left which I would like to try to use in a different way again.


  1. You can send me the last card. *flutters eyelashes*

  2. Love em all esp. the last card :-D

  3. Masha allah,you have the talent to open up your own card shop. Love them all

  4. Assalam-alaikam,

    Sis Alisha dear,
    e-mail me and tell me where to send, I love the though of others using my cards.

    jazakh'Allah-khairun Sis Washi and Sis Ummi Sumayyah for your kind comment, I had fun making them. Thinking to make lots for next Eid and sell them, but still thinking about logistics of that idea.
