Saturday 7 July 2012

Catching Some Early Morning Sun

We have had a lot of rain the last few days, so the garden has mostly been left to its own devices recently.
This morning I work early in hope of a productive day and felt like sitting out in the sun for a while.

All of the rain has meant that the vegetable plants are coming along.  These are the dwarf bean plants which are plentiful this year.

Some of the flower pots are full of colour too.  The view from mum-in-laws window into the garden is rather nice.

Most of the plants are still fairly young, but this one we bought when the chilli's were already starting to appear.  It looks pretty amazing now, might have to pick these soon as they have turned from green to bright red.

The gourd plant below is coming along well, but again we planted late.  By this time last year we were already cooking the veg that these plants were producing.  The tomato plants and the rest of the peppers are also still to flower.

This one was a surprise yesterday.  This white lily plant has been growing for months from a bulb I think I might have planted last year.  Rather lovely.  There's another plant next to it which has grown over a metre, not sure what it is, so will have to wait and see.


  1. Feeling happy and excited to come across a lovely blog. I would love for you to participate with me this Ramadan in a new series I'am starting called 'Journal your Ramadan'. More info here:


  2. Salaam Neelu,
    I just took a look at your wonderful blog, the Ramadan Journal idea looks great and I have saved the list of themes for each day, although I suspect I will end up deviating a little from many of them. Thanks for letting me know.

  3. Your garden is lovely! You have been blessed with rain! We had an abundance last year, but this year we just had a 38-day stretch of no rain, followed by one full day. My garden is struggling. We started late, my tomatoes have died (twice). Our grass is fine. I love that you got to spend a lazy Sunday at home (when do your kids finish school?).
